Healthy hair, shine — the desire, probably, almost all girls. Sometimes a little effort and time give a huge result.
All have heard about oil masks, it is not strange. Using basic oils, you can “feed” hair, give them a dazzling shine and conquer all their appearance. Try to develop yourself a habit at least once a week or two to make such a mask (recipes on the Internet). The effect after several such “manipulations” will be very noticeable, the hair will be transformed.
Especially you should be careful in hair care in the winter. On the Internet, on female you will easily find advice on how to care for your hair in winter and how to do it correctly. By fulfilling all the recommendations, by spring you will save lush beautiful hair and, taking off your hat, will shine with the beauty of your hair.
Try not to use a hairdryer, let them dry yourself. Well, if there is really not enough time, try to turn on the cold air. And most importantly, do not try to comb your wet hair — this will help it go, well, half of your “mane”, you will find on a comb.
Wanted to make styling or straighten your hair? Use high -quality thermal protection. But it is still better to avoid deaf and rectifiers and scoff at the hair in this way as little as possible.
Hats. In a cold or, conversely, very hot season, the hair dry out, they must be protected. Here we come to the rescue of hats or beautiful hats and panamas in the summer.
Love your hair. Take care of them. After all, a girl with beautiful hair will definitely attract women’s eyes, because many would like such beauty, but most men just adore beautiful long hair at the opposite sex.
Cares correctly behind your hair, you invest for strength and money in your irresistibility. Do not skimp on your own beauty.