Our distant ancestors were almost constantly in a state of stress: on the hunt they had to quickly run after the victim or, conversely, escape from the persecution of predators, or fight, defending themselves from opponents. All this required active muscle tension.
Today, most of us leads a sedentary lifestyle, we rarely run, fight even less often, but the ancient reaction has been preserved: as soon as adrenaline enters the blood, the muscles are immediately strained. First of all, the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle react to stress, and an increase in their tone for a long time inevitably leads to frequent headaches.
Massage helps to break the vicious circle: the effect on the muscles of the so -called collar zone allows you to relax perfectly and relax.
A simple relaxing massage will be able to do a loved one — there is nothing complicated in this, and contacting a specialist is not necessary at all. But to correct serious health problems, professional help is required.
Remember: during a relaxing massage, you must experience only comfort and pleasant feelings. Pain indicates that it is necessary to either reduce the intensity of massage, or bypass the sore spot. All movements should be soft and affectionate.
You need to lie down down, and stretch your hands along the body. Your home masseur should stand next to you and … the first stage. Heat your back muscles. Almost without pressing your palms from below, from the lower back, along the spine to the shoulders, and then to the sides, to the shoulder joints. Four to five of such movements is enough to prepare.
The second stage. Put your right hand on the rib and repeat all movements with stronger pressure: from the bottom up from the lower back to the neck and to the shoulders. If you notice that the skin of your «client» has blushed, then you have been overdo. During
this movement should only be a little pink. The third stage. Fingertips with soft circular motions move along the spine on the one hand from the bottom up: four to five «passages» on one side and the same amount on the other. Imagine that you always “write” the letter O with your fingers, but too close to the spine! Your task is only to relax the muscles, and leave the manipulations with the vertebrae to professionals.
The fourth stage. Put both hands on your shoulders. Imagine that under your palms a delicate yeast dough, which you very carefully begin to knead. If you are quite delicate, then in a couple of minutes you will feel that the rigid and tense muscles will become softer and supple to the touch. The fifth stage. Leave your hands on your shoulders. With thumbs, pass in circular movements in the zone between the shoulder blades. Be careful: if the muscles are tense, even
a small pressure may be painful. The sixth stage. Talk to the head. Very, very carefully, between the thumb and forefinger, open the neck muscles — from top to bottom, from the back of the head to the shoulder girdle. This zone is very tender, poet) The effort should be minimal.
Seventh stage. At the end, return to the first stage of the massage and end it with soft stroking movements from the bottom. After that, be sure to cover the “patient” with a warm blanket and let him soak in bed for a few more minutes.
Carefully! Massage is categorically contraindicated in any tumor disease. You can not knead your back if it has cuts, abrasions or any other skin damage. In acute viral disease, massage will have to be postponed until recovery. It is not recommended with increased intracranial pressure and serious neurological problems.