Of all the detergents bought by us, in the first place, of course, is soap. Without him, nowhere! But often the soap itself is not in the package and at all. Produced by our industry «cream soap», «spa soap» or other options, are actually just with detergents, t. To. completely and completely consist of synthetic substances.
«Soap», consisting of such substances, more economically in production. But very harmful to delicate skin skin.
Glycerin is not put in such soap at all. The antibacterial contains triclosan. This is a toxic element with carcinogenic properties. And we all apply this to our skin in the calculation to get a good result!
Today there is an alternative to such soap! This is a natural organic soap Lorbeer, containing 20-30% glycerin, which actually moisturizes the skin, as well as therapeutic herbs, flowers, berries and much more … Of course, such soap will cost more, but this is its only drawback.
What is this soap? How to use it? Firstly, this is not one type of soap, there are a lot of them. Each of the soaps is made not only for its own type of skin, but also for different cosmetic problems.
For example, dry skin will require soap with a glycerol content. Since it is glycerin not only moisturizes, but also does not wash off moisture from your skin. For youthful problem skin, soap with the content of medicinal herbs is suitable. It takes and treats the skin. If you need to nourish the skin with vitamins — for this there is an option with berries, flowers and herbs.
Soap with the addition of essential oils is in great demand. Owners of oily skin take with grapefruit oil. Cocoa oil is suitable for those whose skin is irritated. It will soften and calm down without causing harm.
For those who have a thin skin subject to inflammatory processes, it is better to take soap with jojoba oil. It is not replaced with inflammation and drying out. There is also antibacterial soap with tea tree oils. By the way, our domestic mint oil is also a good antiseptic. Avocado essential oil will help in the fight against wrinkles.
And women also love peeling soap very much. Good peeling soap should not consist of large particles, t. To. They can apply microtrauma to your skin. The finely crushed bones of apricot, raspberries or bran should enter it. And from essential oils to such soap add coriander oil, orange or lemon, sandalwood. This soap has an excellent exfoliating effect.
Anti -cellulite soap is the favorite of sales. It is created on the basis of nut, olive, pine and palm oil. As well as mandatory components are salt and seaweed. Such soap gives a good outflow of blood, regulates the water balance. Thanks to this micromassage, the effect of a decrease in «orange» skin occurs. Your skin is aligned.
With skin diseases such as eczema, pigment spots, etc. D. The so -called black soap helps to fight. It consists of ash of burned weeds, tops, banana peel of pods of cocoa and palm leaves. Hence its color. And the main component in this soap is the oil oil.
So do we really feel sorry for spending a little more money to pamper your skin with a 100% nature with a product that can be bought on .