Men, as you know, are mainly silent, mysterious and constantly immersed in their own world, the entrance to which outsiders (women) is strictly prohibited. Of course, the silence of a man often angers a woman, because she thinks that he dreams of another female representative. But, whatever one may say, a silent man is much better than a talker.
All women like it when their beloved man says that he loves, but, most often, they only answer a nod, all the confessions of women. Moreover, some people are not in a word, but by deed prove their love. For example, the coveted Beaver York can become yours if your man wants to make you happy. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to demand the words of love from him.
Men do not like to talk about their feelings, because they think that this is not a male business. The root cause, as psychologists think, is rooted in childhood, because all mothers are trying to raise their sons with strong, courageous, real men. And real men, as we know, do not cry, do not talk about their feelings, but are silent and tolerate, clenching their teeth.
If he is silent, this means that the current situation suits him, that he enjoys silence and peace and, of course, does not think about a neighbor on the second floor.
Women who are used to sharing their thoughts, I cannot understand male silence. Women cannot come to terms with the fact that her question «what do you think about?», The man answers» nothing «. But the truth is that the answer is “about nothing” that means this. Men have the opportunity not to think about anything, in particular the time while watching a TV, driving, or, relaxing after violent sex.
Male silence should be perceived as a positive character trait. If a man wants to say something, he will do it directly, without additional “colors”, comparisons and epithets. Appreciate the silence of the man, and do not find fault!