After giving birth, I recovered 8 kg. My husband constantly emphasizes that my tummy has appeared, and if she shows sexual interest in me, then I no longer have a desire. I try to take care of myself, but, having heard something offensive, I fall into depression. How to be?
It is alarming that your husband constantly reproaches you for gaining excess weight. Maybe he just wants to manipulate you and chose this not the most worthy method? Nothing but a decrease in your self -esteem and final discord in sexual life, this approach will not lead. Talk to your husband frankly and admit, his constant reproaches offend you that you are already engaged in your appearance, but in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need some time — according to experts, at least six months and, of course, continue to engage in yourself, Visit a fitness center let the coach develop an individual weight loss program for you — and success will not be long in waiting for yourself! Fortunately, there are not so many extra pounds. And after that, family life is sure to get better.